Academics/Counseling » Library » Library


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Rancho Bernardo High School Library

The Library is closed for summer break!
Happy Reading!

Check back in August for info about Chromebook distribution for incoming 9th graders.

Reminder->  Students are expected to have their PUSD issued Chromebook
charged and ready to go daily!
🚨We no longer have daily loan Chromebooks or chargers,
set reminders to charge and remember your Chromebook daily!

PUSD Access & Support
Technical Support: [email protected]
hromebook repair : [email protected]m

Follett Destiny & Destiny Discover


Quick links below->log in to Canvas RBHS LIBRARY page for username/ passwords and additional library resources

Can't see RBHS LIBRARY in your Canvas? 

  1. Find RBHS LIBRARY listed under your COURSES page.
  2. If it is not listed, click ALL COURSES and add it to Canvas page by clicking the star.
  3. RBHS LIBRARY Canvas Course includes links to research databases, usernames and passwords, citation tools, library catalog, presentation tools, and more!
Camille Martin,
Teacher Librarian
[email protected]
Frances French,
Library Media Tech.
[email protected]
858-485-4800 x4520
Watch this tutorial to learn how to view what you have checked out